As promised, here are some common terms I will use:
2+2: Short for twoplustwo.
3bet: To rereraise or to raise a raise preflop.
Cbet: To bet out of position on the flop or in position after a check.
Dead Money: Money left in the pot by players who have folded.
Donkbet: To bet a small amount of the pot, looking like a call hoping to induce a call.
Donk(ey): A bad player.
EV: Short for Expected Value; how much value you expect your action to be earning you in the long run.
Equity: How much money a certain play will earn you in the long run.
Fish: Bad player.
(Coin) Flip: A play made with about a 50% chance of winning.
Fold Equity: How much money a bluff will make; how often one will fold and concede the pot to another.
FTP: Short for
Hero: The player.
ICM: Independent Chip Model. A mathematical way of comparing your hand's equity in SNG to
how much actual money, not chips, it will earn you in the long run.
LAG: The opposite of TAG. A LAG plays many hands, bluffs often, and usually loves to gamble.
MTT: Multi-table tournament. A tournament with 90+ players.
OPR: Official Poker Rankings. Used by SNG players to obtain stats on opponents; as I am not an SNG player, mine are poor.
PFR: The percentage of the time someone raises preflop.
SNG: Sit-N-Go: A small tournament with under 90 players, usually between 2 and 10.
Stars: Short for
Swing: Variance at play. Deviation from expected value.
TAG: Tight-aggressive player. Someone who plays few hands, and plays only good cards for the most part.
Valuebet: A bet made hoping to extract money with a good hand.
Variance: The deviation from what a person's EV is supposed to be.
Villain: Opponent.
VP$IP: Voluntarily put $ Into Pot: the percentage of the time som calls/raises preflop.
Independent Chip Model. A mathematical way of comparing your hand's equity in SNG to how much actual money, not chips, it will earn you in the long run.